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Team Fly Paris x Reebok

Team Fly Paris x Reebok

Team Fly Paris is a dunker collective founded by Chris, Emeric and Yohan in 2018. Chris slammed his first dunk at the age of 13 in Bordeaux, while Yohan discovered the orange ball in Martinique. Meanwhile, Emeric was slowly transitioning from track and field to basketball. Once they became aware of their extraordinary athletic abilities, they became friends on social media before meeting in person at different dunk competitions.

The three members feel the same way as they fly through the air in absolute freedom, a place where there are no rules or organised systems. 'You go. You make your move and dunk the ball!' Each member's individual style takes the entire team to a whole new level. Emeric has a striking laid-back manner, while Yohan's creative flair is thanks to the basketball net he installed in his garage. As for Chris, he brings the consistency necessary for a sport requiring endless training. 

Their desire to push the hoop community forward has brought them together to practice and participate in events. Team Fly Paris wants to turn dunking into a sport in its own right, by creating new tricks and unique concepts, and, above all, building a community of dunkers in France. In this way, they will be able to breathe new life into dunking and share their experiences with future generations, much like the glorious elders who preceded them.

The sport's glory days were thanks to the French team, Slam Nation, but, today, Team Fly Paris is the only French team carrying the torch. Aware they are approaching their physical peak, the members of Team Fly Paris want to do more than just show off their skills to the world. Sometimes, they even dream of starting a tour that brings together new talents scattered across Europe. 

Maybe one day in the future, dunking will be seen as a sport in its own right with official competitions, instead of just exhibitions during half-time shows. Meanwhile, they are inspired by the vibe of Paris, with its fashions, hip-hop culture and, above all, vibrant courts.

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